Hawthorne House
Hawthorne House is a two level suburban home that has undergone extensive renovations over the years to adequately support the mobility needs of the Individuals supported who live there. It has a warm and inviting atmosphere where music and laughter fill the air.
Hawthorne House is home to four young people who love to be active and spend the majority of their time in the community. Qualified, twenty four hour staffing ensures each Individual receives the support they need while living happy, inclusive lives.
I love my home! My favourite thing is the great food. I have lots of fun with my staff and we stay quite busy. We have parties, which are the best! I have my own phone line and I love staying in touch with my family and friends. I had a great time at Operation Trackshoes and my brother joined me in the game. I love baseball and we go to see the Harbour Cats in the summer. My sports teams are the Blue Jays and Canucks. The best times of the year are my birthday when I have these parties and Christmas when I get to spend lots of time with family and friends.
- Scott