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Mission Statement

Vision Statement

My home, our community, a world where everyone is welcome.

Mission Statement

To provide safe and comfortable homes where people with diverse abilities are supported to achieve more independent lifestyles.

Values Statement

At the Independent Living Housing Society of Greater Victoria we value…

  • the rights of all people and strive to ensure they are understood and
  • relationships based on empowerment, respect, trust, equality and
  • homes and workplaces that create a strong sense of belonging and
    embrace individuality and diversity.
  • homes and workplaces that promote health, wellness and safety.
  • meaningful recognition, celebration and personal growth.
  • open communication and collaboration.
  • quality and strive for continuous growth and improvement.

Rights Statement

At the Independent Living Housing Society of Greater Victoria, Individuals supported have the right to…

  • maintain their individuality and dignity.
  • privacy and confidentiality.
  • be free from abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination.
  • be fully involved in independent living decisions.
  • live in a manner consistent with their needs, interests and capabilities.
  • receive quality-managed services.


The staff support me every day in assisting me to be as independent as I can. Currently I go on many outings on my own. But within my home, I am assisted with many household tasks, including cooking and housework, and assistance with my personal care. I am comforted to know that I have such a caring team of individuals working with me each day, so that I can be assisted to live life the best way I know how. I have always deeply appreciated the connections with the staff, I have been able to build through the years. I am happy to call The Heathers home and I look forward to being here for many years to come!

- Ryan

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