Resources for Individuals Supported
BC Transit
Phone: (250) 385-2551
Fax: (250) 995-5639
Accessible Transit Service Information
Annual Bus Pass: (250) 387-4431
-or- call BC Disability Benefits 1-800-665-2656
HandyDART Bookings: (250) 727-7811
HandyDART Cancellations: (250) 479-0004
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia Greater Vancouver and Lower Mainland Regional Offices
General Inquiries & Client Services: (604) 660-4444
Assessment and Investigations: (604) 775-0202
Health Care Decisions: 1-877-511-4111 (toll-free)
Fax (General Inquiries): (604) 660-0374
Fax (Regional Offices): (604) 660-9498
BC Coalition of People With Disabilities
Toll-Free: 1-800-663-1278
Office Phone: (604) 875-0188
Fax: (604) 875-9227
TTY: (604) 875-8835
The Victoria Disability Resource Centre
Phone: (250) 595-0044
Fax: (250) 595-1515
Province of British Columbia
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
Something I look forward to every day is being able to engage with the tenants and other staff members. ILHS is filled with great people, great communication, and you always can find help where needed. I really like to help and care for people. Being able to make a person’s life better and more fulfilling has been my experience at ILHS. The ILHS workplace has been created to enhance your abilities for the better.
- JB, Residential Care Worker